Case Studies
Cypress Cove Equipment Replacement & Optimization

Cypress Cove, an assisted living facility providing innovative senior living solutions for older adults in Fort Myers, Florida, reached out to United Mechanical, a leading full-service HVAC/mechanical and Building Automation Systems (BAS) contractor, to replace the cooling towers at the facility’s Central Energy Plant.
The existing cooling towers within Cypress Cove's Central Energy Plant provides cooling for the entire 48-acre campus and needed replacement to reduce energy consumption and increase system reliability.
Cayo Costa Off-Grid Solar System & Generator Installation

Cayo Costa, Florida is an idyllic island off the Gulf of Mexico, but the region’s climate can strain a property’s electrical system.
By partnering with United Mechanical (UM) – a Fidelity Building Services Group (Fidelity) company – one property owner was able to meet his goals of off-grid reliability that would improve the home’s energy costs and indoor air quality (IAQ), as well as make living in paradise a sustainable reality.
Nearly every two to three months, the oversized generator that powered the property consumed up to $9,000 in propane. To conserve fuel costs, the air conditioning system ran only when the site was occupied; however, due to the area’s humid nature, this created challenging home environment issues and a desire for an overall more efficient design.