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What are some basic rules for lowering my electric bills?

Adjust your thermostat

  • Set your A/C to 78° F or higher in the summer with your fan set to auto. Save 5% on monthly cooling costs for each degree you turn it up.

  • Set your heat to 68° F or lower in the winter with your fan set to auto. Save 5% on monthly heating costs for each degree you turn it down.


Consider purchasing and installing a smart thermostat. Average savings could add up to 3 percent of your total energy costs.


Use ceiling fans to feel cooler.

  • Consider adding more ceiling fans – so you can feel cooler with your thermostat set higher.

  • When leaving a room, turn off your ceiling fan. A fan that runs all the time costs up to $7 a month.


Keep your A/C unit clean and clear

  • Check your filter regularly for excess buildup of dirt, dust and pet hair. How often you change the filter depends on the type of filter you have, how often you run your A/C, and the number of pets in your home.

  • Keep leaves, shrubbery and debris at least 18 inches away from your outdoor unit.

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