Whole house air purifier, Reme Halo
for homeowners in Fort Myers, Naples, Bradenton, Sarasota, & all of Southwest Florida

Do you spend a lot of time indoors? Want cleaner air in your home? Are you looking for ways to reduce allergy symptoms, exposure to microbials, and odors?
If you're like most people in Southwest Florida, you generally prefer to spend time indoors to avoid heat and humidity and/or your allergies are flaring up. Perhaps like some, you even WORK from home? Or maybe you're quarantined to your home because of a pandemic?
If there's anything we've learned from the world wide Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, it's that social distancing is imperative if we want to stop the spread of disease.
But what if the air inside our homes is making us sick?
Purify your home's air with REME HALO®
If you're spending a lot of time inside and you often feel ill, you may be suffering with sick building syndrome (SBS) which is a condition affecting indoor dwellers. Respiratory problems and headaches are the most notable symptoms. SBS is often attributed to poor ventilation in a person's indoor environment.
Fortunately, United Mechanical has a solution that has helped thousands of residents in the Fort Myers area, gain relief from irritating particulates, microbials, and gases.
It's called the REME HALO® and it is a whole home air purifier that is installed in the supply plenum of your existing air conditioning or heating system's air ducts.
A great option for purifying air in hospitals, schools, and commercial environments too
The high occupancy of commercial buildings makes them one of the most polluted indoor air environments. And yet the REME HALO® is capable of purifying every cubic inch of air that your building's HVAC system reaches. By using REME HALO®:
Medical facilities have shown a decrease in MERSA cases.
Long-term care facilities have saved over $10,000 by eliminating chemical odor coverups and increasing worker productivity.
Public schools have shown a 15% decrease in absentee rates.
Germs carried in a sneeze are reduced by 98% before they travel three feet
An air purification system that lets you enjoy life again!
If you suffer with mold, viruses, household odors, allergies, or any other air pollutant and you're ready to do something about it, check out these test results and get a REME HALO installed a.s.a.p. Contact us now. It's time you enjoyed life again!

Still need convincing? Check out all these features and benefits.
It's portable so renters can benefit too.
Unlike portable units that are limited to the room in which they are placed, the REME HALO® provides whole home and building purification.
REME HALO® doesn’t take away living space and operates silently. It integrates with your existing HVAC system.
Two (2) quick release features for easy, no tool, cell replacement
Has dual ionizers that reduce airborne particulates (dust, dander, pollen, mold).
The ballast comes with a 5 year warranty. The replaceable cell comes with a 2 year warranty.