Got questions? We've got answers.
General knowledge
Warranty information on products and labor
What does being in compliance or brought up to code mean?
Why you can trust a technician from United Mechanical in your home
At what temperature should I set my programmable thermostat?
How often should I change my home's air filters?
Does United Mechanical offer a preventive maintenance agreement?
How can I keep my air condenser clean?
What is a plumbing cleanout and where is it located?
Should I have a cleanout installed at my home?
Can solid soap cause a drain blockage?
Why is sewage and disgusting water backing up into my shower?
Is it safe to pour grease down a drain if I pour enzymes right behind it?
What kind of toilet paper is best to prevent blockages in my toilet?
With children in my household, what is the proper temperature to set my water heater?